It's the first Friday of October so I'm joining up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her:
and also joining in with
I made these little apple counters to fit in with our autumnal theme for this month heading towards Halloween celebrations. A big thank you to Granny Goes to School for her lovely apple graphics and to Carrie for the use of her Dnealian font
I seem to have seen lots of harvest celebrations going on all over the place with donations heading towards the old people's centre and the local homeless centre - both very deserving causes. This led to me clearing out cupboards looking for donations and of course finding those old tins and packets that are out of date including one that has managed to stay hidden since 2005!!! Honestly, most of the children I teach are younger than this tin of pineapple!! Needless to say they all went in the rubbish bin immediately (in mitigation I have in the past used out of date packets and tins for shop work in school so that might have been why there were so many!!) As there was also homemade produce on sale to raise donations for said causes, I picked up some spiced apple chutney for my hubby as he enjoys this with a big hunk of English mature cheddar.

My work in the garden has been mainly sweeping the leaves off the front drive this week. I tried raking them from the front lawn but have decided a going over with the lawnmower would probably remove more (it might be the last cut of the season!) However, I did pick up 4 winter polyanthus in various colours for only 99p which have gone in for some brightening up one of my borders.

Granny Goes to School is also responsible for inspiring me to create this week's freebie - which I think will link well to Halloween through its monster theme - a little emergent reader strip book (easy to print, cut out and make in larger quantities if necessary). Mine will be going home with some of the children who very rarely get to take books home because they never return but this is cheap enough to give them a book and who cares if it doesn't come back they will have the opportunity to read at home or even better to a younger sibling (I have found in the past that if children expose their younger siblings to these books those siblings are much better at reading by the time they come to school!) These will be used when we look at Not Now Bernard (a favourite book of mine) by David McKee.
The little book contains both statement sentences as well as questions for comprehension requiring a simpe yes or no answer which make them perfect as an introduction to comprehension exercises.
If you would like a copy head over to my TpT store for US English version:
or for the English spelling version
Please remember to leave feedback so I can improve the quality of my products and it helps me create even more freebies to share with you!!
Please check out Granny Goes to School blog as she has so many other great clipart products and freebies which I am sure will inspire you.
And on a slightly sad note for me - this will be the last weekend we spend as a family for a long time as No.1 son heads back to Uni for the autumn term and DD gets ready to fly overseas for the next 8 months!! My children are like the swallows flying south! I do not really know how I will feel when it's only hubby and me - a brand new chapter in our lives - I hope it will be a good one :-)
Have a great weekend everyone.