Tuesday 1 July 2014

Pay It Forward Art Challenge 2014

I have decided to take part in the Pay It Forward Art/Craft Challenge that both Fil <a href=http://fil-campbell.blogspot.co.uk/>Fil's Place - Old Songs & Memories</a> and EvalinaMaria <a href=http://evalinamaria.blogspot.co.uk/>This & That</a> have posted about on their wonderful blogs. 
(Oh why is this not working and showing just the name of the blogs that people can click on and go to????  Please someone let me know!!)  

I must confess that as a teacher I am a bit of a hoarder of art and craft supplies at my home and I have now probably got to the point that if I did an art project every day for the rest of my life I wouldn't use it all up (this is the problem when quantities are always thought of in terms of is that enough for 30 children?)

As school breaks up later on this month, I am really hoping that I will have enough time (and I must promise to make some) for using some of these items and relaxing into creating art and craft pieces. So really you will be helping me out in lots of ways if you would like to sign up for this particular challenge!

The rules appear simple enough:

I promise that I will make a small work of art for the first five people who comment on this post and say that they in turn will make a blog post about the challenge and commit to making a piece of art for the first five who comment on their blog post.  Leaving a comment and saying you like the idea is not enough!

The piece of art has to be your own work, made by you and sent out to the recipients before the end of 2014.

It can be anything art based: a photograph, drawing/illustration, knitted item, cross-stitch, origami, the list is endless (but possibly not a life size bronze statue of a person seated on a horse as postage costs must be considered!!)

Please remember to leave your e-mail address if you want in so that you can be contacted and I liked Fil's idea of if you have a preference of colour/s let me know.

As always, I love to know what you think.  Does art inspire you in the work that you do?  Does it help you relax from the frenetic life you lead?  Would you like to create more but just don't have the time?


  1. Oh yes, definitely - I have to be in yours :)… I've been pondering on what to make since I wrote - Really looking forward to it. fil@filcampbell.com And I'll get around to emailing in a couple of days - away for a short family break at the minute - Have a great weekend.

    1. So pleased you have signed up, Fil. I have been inspired to start "creating" your gift as I fell in love with some materials in a shop this weekend that made me think of you!
