Tuesday 28 April 2015

X is for Xtranormal, Fragile X syndrome and X-stitching

Yes - we've now made it to that letter probably most of us fear the most in this awesome challenge!
Xtranormal - I know I might be inciting a few strong feelings if I mention this particular video making site as some of the videos made and available on youtube featuring special education are rather controversial (although for some us they probably ring true - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f1rbelSq1A - I want to TEACH children with special needs rather than fill in paperwork!!) However, the concept of being able to easily make videos with their characters speaking can be extremely useful in a special needs scenario and some English teachers in particular have cited great lessons using it.  It is yet another avenue to giving struggling children a voice.  At the present time, it looks like the Xtranormal site is being over hauled however other companies are now advertising this type of program so it might be something you could find useful for your teaching?

Fragile X syndrome - I mention this syndrome as I once worked with a child that I was struggling to understand their difficulties and how to overcome some of them as their teacher.  They had no diagnosis and although were on the SEN register at that time children just stayed on the register with very little outside support.  I came across Fragile X syndrome and thought some of the characteristics could be seen in this particular child so I tried some of the things they put forward as ways to help - I never suggested to anyone that this was what the child had but some of the things did seem to work a bit and it was definitely better than doing nothing!!  Some children go through their whole school life without having their problems given a specific diagnosis so I think that as long as teachers are trying different strategies with the aim of helping that child then that is better than waiting for a professional to finally give the need a name!!
For those of you interested in learning more about this condition then you can read more about it https://www.nichd.nih.gov/publications/pubs/fragileX/Documents/fragileX.pdf/>HERE

X-stitching - I know this may be seen as cheating but X is a difficult letter in the world of craft!!  So let's look at in visual terms with X representing a Cross :)
I have loved doing this type of stitching - mainly because most works are relatively small so they can be done anywhere and then stashed away and there are so many beautiful designs around.  
I have in the past designed my own and even at one point in my life (before teaching) toyed with the idea of producing and selling my own kits.  You have to remember this would have been in the olden days before all the easy access to printing and supplies from China.  So when I took some of my designs to a shop to see whether they would be interested in purchasing any kits (that I would have had to make up by hand etc etc and way before I'd really thought this thing through)  I was totally thrown when they said they would and would like to know if I could deliver in quantities of 100!!!  I obviously ran away from the whole idea then!!

Anyway, I have done loads of x-stitching when the children were small and I spent time at home but now days due to the time involved I often only get chance to on holiday and I still have quite a few projects unfinished.  I thought you might like to see a couple of the pieces I have done (most of my pieces are somewhere yet to be unpacked and put somewhere I can find them!!) and of course I'd love to know if you have done any x-stitching and which was your favourite piece or any stories behind what you've done :)

Freebie for X is:       X Marks the Spot
Which is one of my most popular PAID products on TpT but which I will give away free to any of my fellow A to Z Challengers during the remains of this challenge if they send me an e-mail requesting it :)


  1. I love your cross stiches, especially that second one. I bet it took ages to do.

    I learnt to cross stitch at the age of about seven and I remember my mum carefully helping me to do a little rainbow. I reattempted it a couple of times as I got older but it wasn't until last year that I dug out some little samplers and really tried it.

    I hate just sitting and watching TV so it's a perfect 'busy hands' activity for me. ;-)

    1. I can do it watching TV if I am filling in a block of colour but normally I do need to concentrate quite closely these days else I go wrong!! Hope you had a good birthday the other day :)

    2. Yes, it does depend on what you're working on whether of not you can juggle your attention.

      I had a fantastic birthday, thank you. :-)

  2. Love your cross-stitching work! It's not something I ever learned to do.


    1. Thanks, Yvonne - will be popping across to learn more about increasing my productivity from your very informative blog posts!

  3. Great job w/ "X" and congratulations on nearing the end of the A to Z Challenge. After a month of the Slice of Life challenge, I decided not to do the A to Z this year. I thought about you as I made my decision and was happy to hear from you today.

    1. Lovely to hear from you too, Glenda :) I have been following your slice of life posts which as always make for great reading!

  4. Great choices for X. Fragile-X can be such a tricky diagnosis to understand and work with - I have one student at the moment with the condition and it is very hard for us to work out where he is cognitively due to his limited speech and sensory behaviours. Love your cross stitching too.

    1. I think that's why it is so important for us as professionals to have the ability to connect with others to find out what they have "done" rather than just theoretical "you could try this" from text books or one day workshops!!

  5. Yes, another day closer! My X topic was eXodus: Why do people leave Maui? So I did a similar X "cheating" tactic. Thank goodness for poetic license with the A to Z letters! I've not heard of the video Xtranormal but I'm wondering if you deal w/ autistic kids. If so, you may enjoy reading my friend's A - Z theme on autism.

    I've also done a lot of Xstitching and have a long term X stitch peacock tapestry that has taken years but I don't do it very often... One day, it'll be done.
    Maui Jungalow

    1. Thanks for the heads up on that blog - I will be checking it out for sure. I'll be looking for posts on your peacock stitching then as I do think they are such amazing birds :)
