Tuesday, 17 May 2016

New Blogs I Discovered thru' the A-Z Challenge Part 1

I know in my Review I said I would blog about some of the new blogs I discovered through the Challenge this year and that I really liked.  As a helper, I had a list to check up on that changed every few days (as those bloggers who were not posting were deleted) so I came into contact with a very varied range of blogs :)  In the last two years, I made sure I visited those with blog titles that caught my attention and specifically those with a craft or educational reference but this year because time was short I had to stick to my list and unfortunately because time was such an issue I did not get to spend too much time revisiting these new good blogs in addition to my firm favourites (you know who you are!!!)

However, these bloggers caught my eye because of their photos, their witty repartee, their creativity or their fantastic writing/stories/poems.

Ramblin' With AM  http://ramblinwitham.blogspot.com
In her own words " Join me daily as I blog about life in upstate New York,photography, flowers, gardening, travel, caregiving, a brother in law with autism, the importance of chocolate in a well lived life and anything else in my mind."
This was a feast for the eyes and the soul and her true life tales resonated with me :)

Liz Brownlee http://lizbrownleepoet.com
A super poet who has written many books for children.  Quick and easily accessible Challenge blog posts made her a delight to read and enjoy :)

Sharon Himsl - Shells, Sails and Tales http://shells-tales-sails.blogspot.com
Her Challenge posts were all about pioneering women in aviation and were an amazing read!!  Why do our history books in school leave out so many of these brave and fearless women?  The research and time Sharon must have put into these blog posts - I just don't know how she did it but it was incredible and well worth a read.  Now that the Challenge is over I am revisiting to ensure I get them all!!

The Little Princess - http://www.titli15081977.blogspot.com

Her posts had a theme of (in her own words)

And when she says Incredible India she means it - get ready to be blown away and learn so much!

Of course even with a prescribed list I was always going to get a blog title I would have been drawn to anyway so here's to CRAFTING WITH CAT HAIR !!! http://www.craftingwithcathair.com
Her theme of the 1980s was also right up my alley so I had a great time reading and hopefully many of you too would like to reminisce about those days!!

That's all for today but there are other blogs to come that also made it on to my list of specials :)  Feel free to share your favourites below from the Challenge and I'll be sure to go visit before we begin our upcoming 2016 Road Trip!


  1. I will have to check these out. So many good ones. So little time

    1. I totally agree, Joanne - the wealth of talent out there blogging "quietly" away is insane!!

  2. Thank ou! I will check them out!!

  3. Thank you for the mention and link. There are so many good blogs and so little time, as Joanne says. Alana rambinwitham.blogspot.com
