Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Weight Loss Wednesday

Joining in with Sim and Zoe at -

for another weight loss round-up.

Well it hasn't gone very well actually.  Due to circumstances beyond my control, I missed out on two hours of my weekly exercise regime and although I have been out in the garden pulling weeds this hasn't really made up for it.  I also haven't really ditched the junk food completely out and there was also the case of the large bag of M&Ms so not too surprising that there has been NO weight loss this week then again NO weight gain either so a new slate for this week really.

There will be a long birthday weekend starting this Friday, with my parents and my son and his girl-friend arriving and all staying through until Sunday so I know lots of party food and other rich stuff will be on the menu - venison with port included!  Therefore, I need to watch what I eat where I can and really hunker down for Monday & Tuesday.  Any added exercise will also be helpful.

I used to so like to exercise with the Australian girls on Oz Aerobics when my two children were really little. It was broadcast daily on Sky Sports and I loved that it was real women/mothers leading the workouts and could be done in very little room in my sitting room. I wish they could bring it back!!

Any good exercise videos you can recommend?  Leave a comment below :)


  1. I can't recommend any exercise videos, but have you checked out YouTube? A quick search does show some Oz Aerobics videos up there. :-)

    And well done on maintaining, you're obviously doing something right if the M&Ms didn't do any damage. ;-)

    1. That's certainly an idea and then I just need to figure out linking laptop to TV - where is a teenager when you need them??

  2. I have several Taebo videos (with Billy Blanks) that I use in the winter because I thought something with a martial arts vibe would be more "cool" than traditional aerobics. They do provide a good workout, but the pace can be unrealistic for those not in tip-top shape.

  3. Many thanks, Tamara for your suggestion. I will be checking this out this week - it certainly looks different and I will see how much I can actually do!!
