Wednesday 30 April 2014

Z is for Zillions of Z words!

Well I’ve made it to the end of the A to Z Challenge – every letter of the alphabet has been duly posted and now it’s
 So I thought as it is the last post, I would write a poem based on the letter z about the children I work with and some of their special needs  - see if you can guess what each one might possibly be (answers right at the end of the blog).

Z is for zig-zags
As I look at the words on the paper and they float about all over the page
Z is for zebra
My favourite animal I can talk to you about for hours instead of doing my maths
Z is for Zebedee (from the Magic Roundabout)
My nickname ‘cos I bounce about and can’t sit still in class when I'm writing
Z is for zips
Which I struggle with when I have to put on or take off my coat
Z is for zoning out
Only for a few seconds but I still miss things in class and it's all a muddle
Z is for zero
On my test paper
Cos I didn’t understand the questions and there was no one to help
But Z is also for the zest and zeal
My teacher tells me I have in lots of other things I do
and finally please remember
Z is for Zenith
The success and power I will have if I'm given the right support and understanding.

A really big thank you to all those who have become followers during this month or have commented on my posts – I have so enjoyed becoming part of the A to Z community and opening myself up to a whole lot of new blogs and experiences.  If you would like to leave a comment about this post or maybe which blogs have become special to you during the challenge please do so – I’d love to hear and please do keep popping back and visiting me in the coming months.

TpT Resource is Z is for Zoo

Answers - Possibly: dyslexia, autistic spectrum, ADHD, dyspraxia, epilepsy, a whole range of learning difficulties


  1. Lovely post for the last letter.

    Wishing you lots of writing like you do.

    Hoping to keep in touch.

    1. Thank you Shail I will be over to visit your site soon.

  2. What a lovely way to finish off :)
    This has been fun hasn't it? Hopefully we'll all be inspired to keep going now and to keep in touch.
    All the best
    Fil’s Place - Old songs and Memories

    1. Thank you, Fil. This has been great and I certainly will be keeping in touch :)

  3. Thank you for visiting me the last day! Glad I found your blog. BTW, I wrote a guest blog post about characters on the autism soectrum in case you are interested:

    I will visit again. :)


  4. Lovely to have your link - thought the article was very interesting and would be very helpful to secondary school English teachers in suggesting books for teens to read.
    "The Curious Incident.." is one of my favourite books and has stayed with me a long time after I read it.
