Friday, 4 March 2016

Celebrate #10

How can it already be Friday?  I need another day in the week to pack in all the things I need to do BEFORE the weekend!  Oh well at least I can turn to Lexa Cain and the gang and ...
This week I am celebrating :)

1 - getting going with the garden this year and pulling those weeds and digging those roots out.  Of course there's loads more to do but at least I've made a good start and you can't say fairer than that!

2 - finally delivering some bike related goodies to a friend of mine in return for the wonderful Christmas knitted bunting she made me - I've had them for ages but somehow our paths hadn't crossed when I could actually pass them over.  Anyway she loved them and that's what counts!

3 - more good news on the community Nordic Walking project :)  I attended a meeting to talk about providing walks and got a very good reception from lots of different groups there and all this in front of the person who has to decide if I get the funding - so I think she should see that it would be popular!!  Fingers crossed.

Rather a short and sweet post but I have to rush off to cram in those other things before tomorrow so let me know what you've been up to this week and what have been your hi-lights?


  1. I love that you celebrate the little things!!

    1. Hi Paula - being able to celebrate those little things sure adds up to a happy life :)

  2. Nordic Walking does seem to be working out really well - how nice! I'll be hitting the garden this weekend too. Have to dig out that big brimmed hat :)

    1. I'd love to be able to look the part but hats have a tendency to fall off my head so I think I'll just stick to having dirt in my hair!!

  3. I sure hope you get that funding. I think the Nordic training, especially for the elderly, would be wonderful. Communities need to do more things together, and not be so shuttered in with TV and their computers. Yay for meeting up with a friend and for whipping that garden into shape! Have a lovely weekend! :)

    1. Thanks Lexa and hope your weekend is lovely too :)

  4. So many great things to celebrate here. The Nordic Walking project really does sound fantastic:)

    1. I am so looking forward to being able to get involved in my community and passing on the benefits I just have to keep my fingers crossed that the funding comes through.
