Tuesday, 25 April 2017

U is for Uniformity

Unyielding Uniformity - Unbending, Unquestioning, Unambitious
Unnerving Uniformity - Unforgiving, Uncaring, Unbelievable
Unleash Uniqueness - Understanding, Unafraid, Unbowed

I am not a fan of uniformity - maybe because I've always been a bit of an Undercover rebel? Recently, for my Nordic walking, I went on a course and one of my fears was that the instruction would be about how each lesson would be uniform across the board with no ability to teach to the individual - which is sometimes what it takes.  Luckily, this was not the case and I could breathe a sigh of relief and return to my Nordic walkers knowing what I'd been doing had been given the thumbs up as a way of teaching :)
It seems to be that Unfortunately more and more teachers have to fit into a pattern of uniformity across the school. Of course I can see some strengths in this - a uniform reading scheme - a uniform maths scheme etc but the growing encroachment on how teachers teach is more of a worry to me.  To be shoe-horned into a way of doing things does not seem right.  We all have our own ways of getting through to children and we tweak these ways to respond to individuals if we are a good teacher. Each class is different and respond to different things - knowing how to do this is surely one of the signs of being a good teacher? Having our hands tied on the ways we do things stops this from happening - so for that I am NOT a fan of Uniformity in teaching.

Now it's your turn: What is a pet hate of yours?  How can we make the world a better place?  Are you a fan of uniformity?  Leave a comment below because you know I'd love to know :)


  1. I am not a teacher (it seems important to say this at the outset :) A teacher should be free to evaluate the pupil and customise the delivery of lessons accordingly, this feels right and reasonable to me.

    However, all children in a certain country/system are measured against a uniform standard, the school leaving exams, the university entrance criteria etc are the same for everybody, so somewhere along the line the same content has to be taught to all children. I can't think of a better alternative apart from uniformity here. Uniform standards is the only option for content, while the delivery method may be different and non-standard according to the discretion of the teacher.

    Thought provoking post! Thanks.


  2. Great thoughts! I agree teaching must be responsive to the learner & teacher. We don't master the content or skill at the same rate or depth. I also see the value in group assessments but we need to accept it is representative of one moment from one day. Many variables influence the results. Sorry, I may sound preachy because teaching has been my lifelong focus

    1. I am always grateful that there are passionate people - especially teachers :)

  3. Hi Senco - I hate doing what others do ...and enjoy learning and guiding others by asking questions to help them through ... I'm not a teacher ... but seem to have that outlook on life now - must blame it on blogging!

    I'm not happy doing what everyone else does ...
    Cheers Hilary


    1. They say it's the quiet ones you have to watch, Hilary! We could be Rebels without a Riot???

  4. I like uniformity! But I can see why others might now!

    1. There are points for and against and I would think coming from your medical background there are many essential things that MUST be uniform!!

  5. In the animated movie "The Incredibles" one of the characters complains that if everyone is 'special' then nobody is. I agree!

    "Female Scientists Before Our Time"

  6. I don't believe in uniformity for the sake uniformity, but I do believe that one should be given the freedom to live according to his or her own values, within the parameters and laws set by the civilization. It is good to be able to live among others who share your values and beliefs, but also to be able to express your own individuality, talents, and interests in your own way.
