Friday 2 December 2016

Celebrate #27

I have been so busy recently that I am celebrating the fact I can join in with the Celebrate crowd led by Lexa and her co-hosts Tonja and L.G!  Click on the button below to join in too :)

This week I attended my local borough sporting award ceremony as a finalist in their adult coach/instructor category.  I was blown away to be on the stage with "proper" coaches as I still don't really count myself as one and it was truly lovely to have been nominated.  I didn't win but I actually know the winner and she is amazing so I was very pleased for her.  It was also really nice that two of the ladies that were my original guinea pigs when I first began teaching Nordic walking could also come along to the awards with me and we had a really great time together.

I am also celebrating getting into a good knitting cycle where I have used up quite a few odd balls of wool from my stash knitting lap blankets for Alzheimer patients as part of a new project at my local hospital.  Using 10mm knitting needles and two strands of double knit they knit up really quickly and look quite good too with the colour combinations I have used.

Lastly I am celebrating and being thankful for the continued good weather we have been having in November which has allowed me to be outdoors so much - autumnal sunshine is just so beautiful :)

Here's hoping everyone else has had a good week and found something to be thankful for too - I'd love to know what you've been up to so leave a comment below!


  1. Well done on your nomination. It's fantastic that you're being recognised for what you're doing. You're obviously inspiring people and making a difference. :-)

    I've not been knitting much recently but I'm planning on getting my needles out for knitting Mr Click's wedding anniversary gift this weekend. There's something about this time of year that just cries out for cosy evenings spent knitting. :-)

  2. Sounds like you have plenty to celebrate this week!

  3. Congrats for being nominated! That's delightful, and I'm glad you had friends there to enjoy the festivities with. You are such a sweetie to be knitting for hospital patients. It's such a lovely thing to do! I hope the weather keeps up and you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I have several friends who knit, and they all swear by its therapeutic qualities. Introducing it to an Alzheimer's group is an excellent idea.

  5. Congrats on the nomination, it is always nice to be recognised. I like your knitting project, I'm sure they will be greatly appreciated.

    I too have been so busy recently I have missed a few celebrations posts!

  6. Excellent reports. Sounds like your world is kicking along well. I am enjoying holiday preparations- slow but sure. Take care

  7. I am celebrating seeing your post today in my reader. Have a wonderful week!

  8. How wonderful of you to be knitting for such a good cause...and cleaning up the rest in the process! Also congrats for being up on that stage! It sounds like you had a wonderful week.

  9. Well done on the coaching nomination! I remember when you were just getting into the nordic walking. I haven't stopped by in a while, but WOW, you are THE BOMB and my hero! And as to knitting... I have all the pieces of a cardigan done except for the collar, and do you think I can get it together??? And mind you, I worked on it when I was pregnant with my eldest, who has graduated from college and is working in Seattle now! I CAN knit... but alas, until I retire I don't think I'll pick up the needles again! Nice to "catch up." Kathleen

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