Saturday 7 February 2015

A to Z Challenge gearing up

A short post just to remind people that the A to Z Challenge will be here come April and already people are signing up!!  500 + so far!!  I really enjoyed last year's challenge and found I met lots of interesting people from all over the world and from lots of other spheres of work and interests. Sometimes being a primary school teacher can be a bit insular so this opportunity is great for opening up the mind to new things.

I need to start thinking of a possible theme or way to write that will be different from last year so any suggestions are most welcome.  I think I still want to link it with resources for teaching and about different special needs but would be most grateful for any input from others as to what they would like to read about.

Click on the button above to go to the sign up page and to read about the challenge.  Hope some of you will be joining me this April :)


  1. Hahaha - great minds think alike - I've just been writing up the same post … it was brilliant last year …it'll be much easier with a theme I think rather than random … Looking forward to it

    1. I am heading over to your blog now. I did enjoy it so much last year - it's strange to think I'd never have come into contact with so many talented people (your self included) if it hadn't been for the challenge!

  2. I've just been thinking about the A to Z Challenge myself this year. I'm thinking about doing a rehash of the topic I used for my first A to Z Challenge two years ago. The challenge will be coming up with different words for each of the letters compared to the ones I used last time.

    Hmm, you've got me thinking!

  3. I've just been thinking about the A to Z Challenge myself this year. I'm thinking about doing a rehash of the topic I used for my first A to Z Challenge two years ago. The challenge will be coming up with different words for each of the letters compared to the ones I used last time.

    Hmm, you've got me thinking!

    1. I will have to try to find out what you did two years ago then!! I agree it is going to be harder finding something different especially for those trickier letters eg. Q X & Z

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. There are always many ways to complete the A to Z. This year I am doing the following

      The A to Z of Completely Fictitious Unknown Victorian Failed Inventors and Explorers.

      Its a good subject and will give me loads of options.
      I really need to type better but it is late

      Rob Z Tobor

      Good Luck with your plans

    2. That sounds totally AWESOME, Rob. Can't wait to read all about their amazing inventions and discoveries!!
