Thursday, 14 August 2014

Throw Back Thursday - Let's Hear it for SpEd!

Today, I am joining Throw Back Thursday over at The Teacher's Desk 6

and referring you back to a blog post I wrote this May celebrating some other special needs (SpEd) blogs I had found.   Just click on the button to travel back in time and whilst you're looking at the button please feel free to leave feedback on it as I am in the process of designing one for my site and want to know what you think about this particular design (many thanks).

Looking back at my post, it reminded me that at that time I was desperate to find information from "real" teachers working day in day out with similar children to the ones I was struggling to provide an education for.  I wanted to be able to read about the resources they had used, the diagnosis children had received, the research they had read, the methods that worked.  Those that I did find often worked with more challenged children than my school catered for however it always gave me the feeling I was not alone - I cared and worked above and beyond to help my students and so did these other teachers, I battled against others who could not see why I did things my way or why I bothered and so were other teachers (even if they were thousands of miles away) and this really helped me feel better on those days when you just don't know what more you can do :-(

However, SpEd blogs appeared to me to be little and far between and not easily available despite my frequent Google searches and I relied on the signposting of others to locate them.  Even then I often found broken links or sites that were no longer being posted to so it has been a much harder task than I thought it would be to build a bank of current SpEd blogs that I can visit on a regular basis.  I have been really pleased with the Bloglovin' capability to link and get feeds on a daily basis as well as the suggestions to other blogs (some of which are to do with special needs) and  the advance of linkys that have succeeded in focusing on a special need aspect and has brought to my attention other new bloggers out there.  I therefore decided yesterday that as I had now built up a bank of really useful SpEd blogs,  I should be sharing this info (just as others had done before me) on the off chance that if any newbie SpEd teachers happen across my blog in their search for info they too can be signposted to these really helpful sites too.  Therefore, I am pleased to announce a new page located across my blog banner which gives a list of all current SpEd sites I have come across.  Please feel free to visit it and leave me a comment if there are any others you know about that I could add.


  1. I think that will be a very useful link. You are right the blogs dedicated to special ed issues seem to be a little harder to find...but they are out there. Thank you for gathering and sharing these. Teaching Science With Lynda

    1. Thank you, Lynda for leaving feedback :) I really liked your blog as it felt very inclusive and I will be recommending it to other teachers at my school when teaching science.
