Wednesday 27 January 2016

Weight Loss Wednesday #4

Joining in with

Well after last's week rather disappointing half pound gain I rallied myself reading other bloggers' posts and decided to really try to cut bread from my diet (I failed once with a freshly baked small roll but it was small!) and continue with a little bit more exercise (a couple of extra half hour walks during the week as well as my normal weekly exercise class and 45 minute Walking for Health walk).  I was on schedule to be reporting a two pound weight loss when I hopped on the scales this morning to find I had actually lost THREE - so as I type I have a big Cheshire cat grin on my face :)

This means I have gone from ___ 7 and 3/4 to ___ 4 and 3/4 this week and a weight loss of 6 pounds overall from where I started three weeks ago.

Kate in her blogging to jogging post this week talks about us getting hung up on big numbers and feeling it's all too much which might lead us to giving up.  I think I am certainly focusing on small steps each week rather than a final position.  I want to lose some weight each week and it doesn't matter if it's only 1/4 of a pound as long as it's gone it's good!!  I want to aim in my month towards going down that half stone marker and feel I can truly celebrate if I do.  Certainly in the past, I have looked towards those long term goals and felt on an uphill struggle throughout as well as failing to reach them and then giving up and putting the weight back on again.

Below is my Food Diary page already for February so if you would like a copy just click on the image to download from Google docs

Please let me know your thoughts and what's worked for you in the past?  I'm also hoping to do a little more exercise work concentrating on reducing the "muffin top" around my waist so if anyone has some good exercises to share on how a "beginner" can go about this I'd be happy to try them - no 100 sit ups please!!


  1. woohoo go you, a 3lb loss is fabulous ! :)

    1. Thanks Cheryl and it was your blog post last week that really helped me to rally after I'd put on a 1/2 pound the previous week so a big thank you for that :)

  2. I'm out to reduce the muffin top too. I think I was stuck, like you, looking at the larger sum I needed to lose, but you're right- small losses (or no gains) matter too.

    Cheers for your 3 lbs. lost! Do you mind if I share your weight loss log on my alternate blog? I do the Really Real Housewives blog with Tara Tyler and Ashley Peeples. We love to share easy, helpful things with our readers.

    1. No problem sharing help whatsoever, Elizabeth and I'll check out your other blog too :)

  3. Well done on the loss! That's fantastic. :)

    I have just started up my weight loss journey over on my blog this week. I look forward to following your journey. :)



    1. Thanks Beth for the comment as I know you have a very full on life at the moment! I'll be popping over to rad your blog post soon :)

  4. Well done on the lss and I'm just about to type myself a food plan up for next week, yours is cute. Mich x

    1. Thanks, Michelle - I think planning ahead meals for the whole week might be something I ought to try too :)

  5. Work on a pound by pound basis. Large losses are not sustainable every week due to weekly water retention etc so when it hits, you can feel slightly disheartened... but don't be! You are proving that what you are doing is really working for you and it is an amazing start, you can do it! Last year I really found that reading about other bloggers' journeys spurred me on - lots of support to keep you spurred on. Hope you are having a good week, meal planning is a great way to keep on track! Thank you so much for linking up with #WeightLossWednesday - hope to see you again next week with even more positive news! Sim xx

    1. Thank you so much for your comment, Sim :) I know how well you did last year so I am really pleased Beth and you have started up your weekly post again - I'm sure it will prove invaluable!
