Friday 21 October 2016

Celebrate #24

Joining in for another
led by Lexa Cain and her buddies, L.G. Keltner ad Tonja Drecker

This week I am celebrating: 

writing more blog posts this year than I ever did in the two years previously.  I made this a goal way back in January so I am very pleased to be announcing this in October.

having a lady (I nominated for an award for her participation in my Nordic walking groups) be selected to attend a regional sports award celebration.  I now just need to keep my fingers crossed for her to win!!

Having family to stay this weekend :)

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend with plenty to celebrate and be thankful for.  Let me know what you are up to?


  1. Enjoy your family visit. It's so cool that someone from your walking group is up for an award. I'll keep my fingers crossed. ;-)

    1. Thank you, Click and yes it is fantastic because it means so much to her and her family :)

  2. Sounds like a good week for you. I am celebrating cooler weather. Otherwise just the usual stuff and that is fine. Keep writing.

    1. Thanks Joanne and after some of your posts about how hot it has been over in Texas I imagine that cooler weather is certainly something to be thankful for :)

  3. Congrats to more blogging...that isn't easy. Enjoy time with the family!

  4. Yay for you for ripping up the blogging world with all those posts! How exciting for the lady up for the award! I hope she wins. Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. YAY to more blog posts. I'm writing fewer than before...but my goal is to read more blogs.

  6. Blogging regularly is tough -- congrats on more posts!
