Sunday 23 October 2016

The Prompt

Another great word choice and some great poems already written when I went over to Sara's

This is what this week's word inspired in me - but please go and check out the others' work - you will not be disappointed.

The art work below is by Alessandro Formigoni who can be found at -

Rufus the Red

Pointy snout

Appears from behind the garden bushes

Trotting across - a flash of red on a winter’s day

A tail to be proud of disappears in an instant

Delicate tracks in the crisp, white snow

Are all that is left of a visit by Rufus.


  1. My friend would love this. She's a massive fox fan, but we rarely see them here. :-)

    1. I expect that's why you have so much other wildlife though - but I am a fox fan :)

  2. Last fall, I was fortunate enough to see a family of foxes near a small pond in our neighborhood. At first I thought I was seeing some cats with fluffy tails, but nope! Red foxes. They were adorable. Hopefully they moved on to a safer environment.

    1. They can be very cat like - particularly when walking across the tops of fences - something a dog certainly wouldn't be able to do!!

  3. Love it! What a great little poem, such evocative imagery. Thank you so much for sharing with #ThePrompt (and apologies for the incredible lateness in commenting this week, OH away on business, the days just vanish!) xx

    1. No worries, Sara, I appreciate the time you spend each week hosting this lovely linky that brings out our creative sides :)

  4. This is fabulous! I love your take on the colour red :) #ThePrompt

    1. Thank you, Victoria - I LOVED your poem this week!!
