Thursday 13 October 2016

Is this a sign of Global Warming?

Well today when I was out in my garden trying to clear the path of weeds, I discovered that some of my strawberry plants are in flower!!!  What's that all about?

It's not the only plant that seems to be coming to life again after having bloomed earlier this year so it begs the question - is this because of the unseasonably, warm October weather we've been experiencing lately or is this Global Warming?

Have you noticed anything odd in your garden recently?  Leave a comment below - you know I'd love to know :)


  1. Wow, that's either a very late or a very early bloomer.

    I remember seeing on the news that there were plans blooming in Kew Gardens which shouldn't be and that the change in weather patterns was affecting them. Here in Scotland we're having fairly average October weather, lots of beautiful leaves on the trees, bushes and ground. :-)

  2. Yes I'm not quite sure whether they are "re-blooming" or these are new runner plants with first bloom on - my strawberry plants have gone a bit haywire since I did some weeding out!! Looking forward to seeing some of your photos of the autumnal colours of Scotland :)

  3. I believe in climate change. We are having a much warmer Oct in TX than normal

    1. Oh - so it's not just England being slightly weird then?
