Wednesday 12 October 2016

Weight Loss Wednesday - Seeing the Silver Lining

I'm back on the wagon having taken a few months off over the summer and seeing a gradual return of a few of those pounds previously lost - I put this down to - too many parties, too much ice-cream and too much cake!!

However, every cloud has a silver-lining

and so last week I saw a drop of 1 and a 1/2 pounds with not too much effort so I am returning to a more balanced diet and an uptake of water consumption this week in an effort to see another 2 lbs shifted which would take me to ___ 4 lbs.

Joining in with -


  1. Well done! You seem to be back on the right track.

    I'm on a weight loss kick at the moment. My first week was very successful, my second week... not so much. I'm hoping to get back to where I was on my second weigh in at my next one.

    1. Thanks Click :) I just seemed to keep falling off the wagon during the summer - far too many temptations - cream teas in particular!!

  2. Good job. I am proud. I did not gain weight on our Alaska cruise. Now I need to exercise more. Baby steps

  3. How on earth did you not gain weight on a cruise?? Well done - hopefully your foot has all healed and you can start whatever exercise regime you want :)

  4. I've been needing to get back on the wagon too! I lost 10 pounds, and then stalled! Your post is motivating. Thanks!
    Laughter and Consistency
