Wednesday 12 April 2017

J is for Jurassic Jaws

J is for Jungles, Jokes and Jurassic Jaws,
Jumping Jacks, Juggling and Jolly Jigsaws

Things to make learning Joyful with that Just a bit more!

All the weird and wonderful things I have done as a teacher to try to tap into getting children learning with joy and happiness.  Some have been games, some have been themes, some have been activities but all have often come from the children's likes themselves and what I can remember enjoying as a child myself.  What were some of the themes or classroom games/activities you really enjoyed when you were a pupil or if you are/were a teacher what do your pupils love engaging with?
Leave a comment below - you know I'd love to know :)


  1. I guess that the think you most appreciate as a child, at school, are games. You didn't realise at the time that you are learning so much! Well, I also love to play as a grown.up :D
    Eva - Mail Adventures

  2. You are a teacher?Wow
    Thank you for making this world a better place

    A Peice Of My Life

  3. Rhymes and stories are a fun way to learn. As a child, I loved it when teachers made stories out of our lessons. Sadly, not many used such creative methods to teach.

    Jayus: Exotic Words with no English Equivalent

  4. That is fun and cute. Back in the olden days I do not remember fun learning stuff. You just did your work

  5. Learning is lot more fun nowadays.

    Back in the days when I was in school, things were pretty joyless. You stuck to books and facts, and got detention if you didn't do your homework on time :) No joke!


  6. In my own classroom, there was always a theme we were studying, and the walls were covered with student art, writing, and photos. Bears, water, Ireland, ships...I really enjoyed student work and learning.
